Deploying Cedana on your cluster

Using helm chart

We provide a helm chart, to easily install our services on your cluster.

Warning Currently the host images should be debian:bookworm or ubuntu:22.04 and above.

We don't properly support non-debian based images. Consider switching to Ubuntu AMI for k8s nodes on AWS EKS from Amazon Linux.

When running Cedana against an EKS cluster, cgroupsv2 must be used by your container runtime and be installed on your AMI. The minimum Linux kernel version is 6.1.x.


Make sure you have the helm tool installed.

To run the controller we require your CEDANA_AUTH_TOKEN, which you can generate here.

export CEDANA_AUTH_TOKEN=$( /* get cedana auth-token */)

# install to namespace cedanacontroller-system
helm install cedana oci:// \
    --create-namespace -n cedana-controller-system \
    --set cedanaConfig.cedanaUrl="" \
    --set cedanaConfig.cedanaAuthToken="${CEDANA_AUTH_TOKEN}"

# feel free take a look at our values.yaml at

If you want the latest changes or in case the above fails to work feel free to use our helm chart repo.

git clone --depth=1
# install the cedana helm
helm install cedana ./cedana-helm-charts/cedana-helm \
    --create-namespace -n cedana-controller-system \
    --set cedanaConfig.cedanaUrl="" \
    --set cedanaConfig.cedanaAuthToken="${CEDANA_AUTH_TOKEN}"


To get rid of the cedana daemon running on the host nodes:

helm uninstall cedana -n cedana-controller-system
# now run our cedana uninstall.yaml by applying it.

# I recommend against using a URL, consider downloading and then applying a local file
kubectl apply -f
# the removal should be quick the just wait long enough so that
# kubectl logs pod/uninstall-pods-xxxx
# return "cleanup successful"

kubectl delete -f

Last updated