Deploying Cedana on your cluster

Using a helm chart

We provide a helm chart, to easily install our services on your cluster.


Make sure you have the helm tool installed.

To run the controller we require your CEDANA_AUTH_TOKEN, which you can generate here.

export CEDANA_AUTH_TOKEN=$( /* get cedana auth-token */)

# install to namespace cedanacontroller-system
helm install cedana oci:// \
    --create-namespace -n cedana-controller-system \
    --set cedanaConfig.cedanaUrl="" \
    --set cedanaConfig.cedanaAuthToken="${CEDANA_AUTH_TOKEN}"

# feel free take a look at our values.yaml at

If you want the latest changes or in case the above fails to work feel free to use our helm chart repo.

git clone --depth=1
# install the cedana helm
helm install cedana ./cedana-helm-charts/cedana-helm \
    --create-namespace -n cedana-controller-system \
    --set cedanaConfig.cedanaUrl="" \
    --set cedanaConfig.cedanaAuthToken="${CEDANA_AUTH_TOKEN}"


To get rid of the cedana daemon running on the host nodes:

helm uninstall cedana -n cedana-controller-system
# now run our cedana uninstall.yaml by applying it.

# I recommend against using a URL, consider downloading and then applying a local file
kubectl apply -f
# the removal should be quick the just wait long enough so that
# kubectl logs pod/uninstall-pods-xxxx
# return "cleanup successful"

kubectl delete -f

Last updated