-b, --bundle string (runc) bundle
-h, --help help for job
-i, --id string (runc) new id
-r, --root string (runc) root
Options inherited from parent commands
--address string address to use (host:port for TCP, path for UNIX, cid:port for VSOCK)
-a, --attach attach stdin/out/err
--config string one-time config JSON string (merge with existing config)
--config-dir string custom config directory
--external strings resources from external namespaces (can be multiple)
--file-locks restore file locks
--leave-stopped leave the process stopped after restore
--link-remap remap links to invisible files during restore
--log string log path to forward stdout/err
-p, --path string path of dump
--profiling enable profiling/show profiling data
--protocol string protocol to use (TCP, UNIX, VSOCK)
--shell-job process is not session leader (shell job)
--stream int32 stream the restore (using <n> parallel streams)
--tcp-close allow listening TCP sockets to exist on restore
--tcp-established restore tcp established connections